Tuesday 11 June 2013

Episode 07 - Shh No Tears, Only Dreams Now

*Two Guys and Their Joysticks would like to apologize for The Polish’s audio quality this episode. He thought the mic was working – it wasn’t. Next week will sound better, promise!*

Ladies and gentlemen, guys and gals, boys and girls, kids and kidesses, welcome back to the crazy gaming podcast, Two Guys and Their Joysticks! After returning from bloody battle in the last Mortal Kombat tournament, Charlie ‘The English Dream’ and the ever Polish Jacek rise to bring some exciting news on this week’s news in vidya gaems, like:
  • Deus Ex: The Fall (A sequel… On tablet? Hmmm…)
  • Precursor games pausing Shadow of the Eternals kickstarter D:
  • Sony’s 40 exclusives at E3 (Look at Microsoft shaking in their booties!)
  • A new WoW raid type
  • Shitty dumb fucking twin stick piece of garbage Halo Windows 8 smelly shitty game… Shit (Charlie isn’t hyped)
Also, as per the weekly ritual (not the Satanic one), your hosts will discuss their latest gaming enjoyments, with:

  • Paranautical Activity: Over-sensitive edition
  • Fairy Bloom Freesia…….. I’M A MAN, OKAY?!
  • The Art of the Mass Effect Universe Book
  • Battleblock theatre

The weekly discussion is a lovely chat about ports, with a focus on iOS ones. Witness gaming history, as well, when the guys create the new form of gamer vocabulary: Re-ports, when a game port changes big aspects (Minecraft iOS, Splinter Cell: Double Agent Xbox Original). Get hyped for that!

Again, we have a special, heart filled track for the break from the ever Polish Jacek. May his soul be carried safely through the afterlife.
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for the possibility and format of one or more E3 specials! Get hyped, kids. Get hyped.

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