Tuesday 28 May 2013

Episode 04.5 - Xbox Watercooler: Hushed Edition

You're in for a special treat this week! Two Guys and Their Joysticks brings you listeners a special episode dedicated to a discussion about the Xbox One. We laugh. We cry. But mostly, we get very, very disappointed. Both Charlie 'the English dream' and the ever Polish Jacek give their views and opinions on the 8th generation of consoles with a strong focus on Microsoft's VHS player- whoops, I mean 'gaming system'.

Disclaimer: this episode is somewhat quiet, totally not because Jacek was kicked out his office and forced to record in his bedroom and DEFINATELY not because Charlie was partially intoxicated. Listen at your peril.

Here's the episode link: https://ia601705.us.archive.org/17/items/E04.5XBOXWatercoolerHushedEdition/E04.5_%20XBOX%20Watercooler%20-%20Hushed%20Edition.m4a

Here's the official page link: https://www.facebook.com/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticks

Episode 04 - So Cold, So Cold

Returning from the fiery realms of their gaming weeks, Charlie 'the English dream' and the ever Polish Jacek embark on their weekly journey once more!

In this chilling episode, we talk about some freezing news:

-This month's terrible and not so terrible movies
-DICE's new studio
-The Pixel Press Kickstarter (Support here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/robinrath/pixel-press-draw-your-own-video-game?ref=category)
-Scribblenauts: Unmasked
-Nintendo's YouTube disputes
-Destiny information
-Ubisoft sales

Also, come the ever helpful reviews of the games we've played through the week. Jacek tells us about the limited, pointless and IAP infected game called Guncrafter, as well as a look into the indie game, Binding of Isaac. Meanwhile, Charlie enlightens us to the hilarious antics of Armed and Dangerous while also dragging us through the violent, gruesome world of Killing Floor.

This episode's discussion revolves around DLC and season pass controversy. Do we need them? Do we like them? Will they continue to be used? Jacek certainly hopes not. You can view this discussion by paying a small podcast pass fee.

Not really. You got trolled, son!

In this episode's break is a cool treat, too! We bring a hot tune from the past down to the frosty depths of the present. Listening to this track will make your bones turn to ice and your brain transform into a miniature glacier. Get hyped, kids. Get hyped.

Here's the episode link: http://ia801705.us.archive.org/34/items/E04SoColdSoCold/E04%20-%20So%20cold%2C%20so%20cold.mp3

Here's the official page link: https://www.facebook.com/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticks

See you in the next episode!

Episode 03 - Get Hyped!

Join Charlie the english dream and the average as ever polish Jacek on this weeks episode of Two Guys and Their Joysticks!
On this episode we get hyped about the following news:

- TimeGate layoffs,
- Eternal Darkness 2
- No one wants the WiiU :'(
- EA hacked!
- OUYA insane $15 million funding
- The forest
- Upcoming games and titles

After a refreshing break we come back to talk about games we've played and to lead a powerful and thrilling discussion on a pressing topic very close to our heart.
We also introduced user questions thanks to our brand spanking new facebook page "Two Guys and Their Joysticks" give us a like to be up to date with our news and to submit any questions you may have!

Here's the episode link: http://ia801707.us.archive.org/5/items/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticksE01BioWareBrilliance/E02_%20Joshzilla_%20Slayer%20of%20Chairs%2C%20Desecrator%20of%20Podcasts.mp3

Here's the official page link: https://www.facebook.com/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticks

Episode 02 - Joshzilla: Slayer of Chairs, Desecrator of Podcasts

In this weeks episode of Two Guys and Their Joysticks, not only do we reduce the penis jokes to the small amount of 1 towards the very end, but we also get into some game news, reviews and a big discussion which under the terror of Joshzilla becomes diluted ever so slightly.
But fear not, for the content is still fresh and full of energy.
The news from this week are:

New WoW Movie vfx supervisor, Kevin Conroy not in Arkham Origins, Watchdogs release dates, CoD: Ghosts announced, TimeGate chapter 11 bankrupcy, Batgirl confirmed in Injustice.
As Jacek didn't have time to game at all this week, Charlie carries the discussion by talking about The Thing, and Judge Dredd vs Zombies.

We then take you along into a romantic and touching story about love and friendship.
This is followed by a discussion about the development of MMORPG's (specifically Elder Scrolls Online) which almost burns into ashes with the surprise guest appearance of Joshzilla.

We have some audio problems in this episode but they're resolved later on.

Here's the episode link: http://ia801707.us.archive.org/5/items/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticksE01BioWareBrilliance/E02_%20Joshzilla_%20Slayer%20of%20Chairs%2C%20Desecrator%20of%20Podcasts.mp3

Sunday 26 May 2013

Episode 01 - Bioware Brilliance

Hello and welcome to a brand new show featuring two wonderful personalities that share their thoughts and opinions on everything video games!

We have Charlie "Baby-Face" a stunning englishman, and Jacek "Turkeydipking" an above average polishman. The duo talk about video game news, discuss game related issues and topics, as well as review and talk about games.

In this episode, we introduce ourselves in an episode recorded at 1:00 in the morning with both of us tired and sick, but full of energy nevertheless!
The topics discussed in the first episode are;

-Writer for next Mass Effect Game
-Square Enix and their $$$ problems as well as THIEF 4 development
-Bethesdas next game
Attack, Eternal Darkness
Final Discussion:
Mass Effect and BioWare in general.
We apologize for any audio issues and ask you to stick with us as we try to figure things out, next episode will definitely improve as Jacek wont have hayfever and Charlie would not go to the theatre to see an awful play.

Here's the episode link: http://ia601707.us.archive.org/5/items/TwoGuysAndTheirJoysticksE01BioWareBrilliance/Two%20Guys%20and%20their%20Joysticks%20E01_%20BioWare%20Brilliance.mp3