Tuesday 15 July 2014

Episode 15 - The 7D Experience

This week’s episode has a slight twist; it’s not just two guys, but there’s a girl too. The Ever Polish Jacek’s sister, the Ever Polish Zosia, joins us for an enjoyable episode with banter, off-topic randomness, and some great gaming goodness.

 This week’s news, while barebones, brings you the joyous tale of two EA Origin lovers, and more pre-order moaning from a disheartened Alien fan and two sympathisers.
 Also, we have a huge review this week for a game that all three of your hosts are passionate, bursting with spoiler-dodging and cryptic explanations to anyone who hasn’t played it. Enter Telltale’s newest epic, The Wolf Among Us.
This leads to our discussion about Telltale’s impact on the world of gaming, the return of point-and-clicks, and what franchise WE would like Telltale to take on, so tune in to see what we all think. 

Thanks to The Ever Polish Zosia for coming on the show as our guest, and a big thanks to Mythix and Decision for bringing you your mid-episode track, Dreamer. Enjoy!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Episode 14 - Absolutely Nothing To Do With Kirby

Episode 14 of Two Guys and their Joysticks

Welcome back to the wonderful world of Two Guys and Their Joystick! After a long break, season two finally commences, and it’s better than ever. Sit back, relax, and allow Charlie the English Dream and the Ever Polish Jacek to take you on a journey of podcast length sized proportions.
In this episode, we go over some exciting bits of gaming news that will appease:

Legend of Aang and Legend of Korra fans
Those who take an interest in MOBAs and E-Sports
People who like sciencey thingies

Of course, we chat a little bit about what we’ve been playing and go on to review a little:

Killer is Dead
The Ship

And lastly, listen in to our weekly discussion. This episode, we list out all the big E3 announcements, chat about the games and conferences, and Charlie gets hyped for Mortal Kombat X just moments after saying it didn’t look great.

Also, this week, we feature the song Popular by GiGi and Druidboyz in the break. Yes, that’s right, we actually have a proper break now. Took us long enough! We’ll have a new track every week, so stay tuned for some good music.

This episode seriously has nothing to do with Kirby.